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Monday, February 28, 2011

Planning your Honeymoon Getaway

After planning your wedding details for the much awaited event of your life, remember that there's one more thing to plan about, the HONEYMOON GETAWAY.

Here are some tips that can help you plan and manage your honeymoon.

1. Decide on a Budget -Budget determines all factors. This will dictate the kind of honeymoon you want to spend.
2. Choose a Transportation - Check airfares or just plan a honeymoon driving trip.
3. Focus on a Particular Destination - Would you like to go on a Caribbean Cruise or tropical beach like Hawaii is your idea? Why not try an exotic spot? An adventurous vacation? What climate do you prefer?
4. Determine activities and a place to stay and sights to see. - Make a list of activities both of you would want to experience.
5. Decide on the number of days -  This will depend on the kind of activities you will plan to splurge.
6. Design a Timetable - This will make sure that everything will be set on the day of the honeymoon
7. Pack - Bring only things that you need to make your vacation easier.
8. Spend Quality Time Together - Since this is a start of  more vacations after your marriage, learn how to spend and enjoy your quality time together.

Respondez, S'il Vous Plait (RSVP)

What does RSVP stands for? "Responde, S'il Vous Plait, which means "please reply"

Many of us don't know that a person sending an invitation would like to know if you're coming or attending the event or not? In a practical point of view, when we receive a formal written invitation we should promptly reply as soon as we receive it, because for hosts who are planning an event, it is important for them to know how many people to count on and how much food and drink to buy. Etiquette dictates this norm as a courtesy to someone inviting you. Now a days in the Philippines, many wedding invitations come with a response card. A practice that all Filipinos should know that if you receive an invitation, you should reply.